美国电话号码通常由10位数字组成,格式为:(XXX) XXX-XXXX
- 前3位是区号(Area Code),表示地理区域
- 中间3位是前缀(Prefix)
- 最后4位是线路号码(Line Number)
- 选择要生成的电话号码数量(5个、10个或15个)
- 可以在输入框中自定义数量
- 点击"Generate"按钮生成电话号码
- 可以复制单个电话号码或下载所有生成的号码
- 生成真实的美国区号和对应的城市位置
- 支持带括号和不带括号的格式
- 可以一键复制单个电话号码
- 可以下载所有生成的电话号码列表
- 所有操作均在浏览器本地完成,不会上传或保存您的数据
Random US Phone Number Generator
This tool helps you generate random US phone numbers with real area codes and corresponding city location
information. All generated phone numbers follow the US phone number format standards.
US Phone Number Format
US phone numbers typically consist of 10 digits in the format: (XXX) XXX-XXXX
- The first 3 digits are the area code, representing a geographic region
- The middle 3 digits are the prefix
- The last 4 digits are the line number
How to Use
- Select the number of phone numbers to generate (5, 10, or 15)
- You can customize the quantity in the input field
- Click the "Generate" button to generate phone numbers
- You can copy individual phone numbers or download all generated numbers
- Generates real US area codes with corresponding city locations
- Supports formats with or without parentheses
- One-click copy for individual phone numbers
- Download option for all generated phone numbers
- All operations are performed locally in your browser, your data is not uploaded or saved