SVG 转 PNG 转换工具
什么是 SVG?
可缩放矢量图形(SVG)是一种流行的矢量文件格式,它内置了对动画的支持。SVG 是基于 XML 的图形格式,可以创建任何尺寸的图形,而且不会失去图片质量。
SVG 的主要特点:
- 基于 XML:可以搜索、索引、编写脚本或压缩 SVG 图像。您可以使用文本编辑器或矢量设计工具(如 Adobe Illustrator、Inkscape 或 CorelDRAW)创建和编辑 SVG 图像。
- 可缩放性:可以在不损失质量的情况下调整大小,并且可以以任何分辨率打印。
- 支持动画:可以使用 JavaScript 制作动画,从简单的悬停效果到复杂的信息图表动画。
什么是 PNG?
便携式网络图形(PNG)是一种流行的光栅图像格式,以其高图像质量和通用性而闻名。它支持无损数据压缩,是 GIF 格式的改进替代品。
PNG 的主要特点:
- 基于像素:与 SVG 不同,PNG 图像由像素组成,这意味着在缩放时会失去细节。
- 支持透明度:可以用作背景或叠加在其他图像上。
- 无损压缩:保证图像质量不会在压缩过程中降低。
SVG 和 PNG 各有优势,选择哪种格式取决于您的具体需求:
- 选择 SVG:适用于图标、徽标、简约图形设计和字体,因为它们需要保持清晰的边缘和可缩放性。
- 选择 PNG:适用于复杂的图像、照片或需要像素级精确度的设计。
SVG to PNG Converter
What Is SVG?
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a popular vector file format for graphics that includes built-in support for animation. It's an XML-based format that can create graphics of any size without losing quality.
SVG Main Features:
- XML-based: SVG images can be searched, indexed, scripted, or compressed. You can create and edit them with a text editor or vector design tools like Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape, or CorelDRAW.
- Scalability: They can be resized without losing quality and printed at any resolution.
- Animation Support: Can be animated using JavaScript, from simple hover effects to complex infographics.
What Is PNG?
Portable Network Graphics (PNG) is a raster image format popular for its high image quality and versatility. It supports lossless data compression and was developed as an improved replacement for the GIF format.
PNG Main Features:
- Pixel-based: Unlike SVG, PNG images are made up of pixels, meaning they lose detail when scaled.
- Transparency Support: Can be used as backgrounds or overlaid on other images.
- Lossless Compression: Ensures image quality doesn't degrade during compression.
Which Format to Choose?
Both SVG and PNG have their advantages, and the choice depends on your specific needs:
- Choose SVG: For icons, logos, minimalistic graphic designs, and fonts where crisp edges and scalability are important.
- Choose PNG: For complex images, photographs, or designs that require pixel-perfect precision.